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Int 14 Fn E000  - Mx5 Extended Fossil - Get Mnp Status Block               [S]

   AX = E000h
   DX = port number (0-3)

Return: ES:BX -> status block (see below)
Program: MX5 is a FOSSIL driver by MagicSoft which emulates MNP Level 5, and
     ships with the MTEZ terminal program as MTEMNP.DRV (a TSR despite
     the .DRV extension)

See Also: AX=E006h

Format of status block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    flag: active (00h no, 01h yes)
 01h   BYTE    MNP level (2,4,5)
 02h   BYTE    series ID from remote MNP
 03h   DWORD   total packets transmitted
 07h   DWORD   duplicate packets transmitted
 0Bh   DWORD   maximum speed
 0Fh   DWORD   total packets received
 13h   DWORD   duplicate packets received
 17h   DWORD   maximum speed

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